Friday, June 5, 2009

hey everyone!

Well, I have some good news and some bad news. So, how about the bad news first, just to get it over with? I went to my scoliosis specailist, Dr. Blasier, and he told us (my mom and I) that my top curve is only getting worse. If it continues to grow, ( If I continue to grow), he said he would really push us towards the surgery option. The good news, actually comes from the bad news. This experience will help me help others who are just starting their journey through this spin-curling disese. ( literaly: spin curling! :). So, please, is anyone's out there reading this, pray, just please pray. You have no idea how much it helps. I would like to thank every individual specailist in every medical feild for taking the time to become who they are, a caring doctor who helps as many patients possible with their studied disese. It gives their patients trust and understanding more than you can believe. Thank You!

May God Bless my readers,

Kaitlin Rose Jones

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