Sunday, June 7, 2009

I can't move my arms!!!!

Hi again! Thank you for reading my blog. This post is going to be about my "vacation" yesterday. My mom, Cindy, her sister and my aunt, Angie, two of her sons (my cousins), Levi(13) and Kyle(17 or 18.. I think?) and I went to Hot Springs, AR. to my mom and aunt's buisness meating there in the theme park called Magic Springs. This was supossed to have tons of greast rides, and the park does, but the recent rain there had 10 of those rides shut down. One of them being The Arkansas Twister, (my favorite), and another being Big Bad John, (my other fave.!). I was really disapointed, but I was still determined to make the most of the trip. We got there at about 11 a.m and we had to report to this pavillion thing at 4:30 p.m for hamburgers and hotdogs for the buissness meeting. Levi and I went to scope out what rides were up and running, (about 5), and three of them were kiddie rides whicch Levi and I rode anyway :). So then, it was time for the water park, Crystle Falls. This is where we basicly spent the whole time either in the wave pool or the lazy river, AND gopt this lovely sun-burn on my face and shoulders. So, all and all it wasn't the BEST vacation, but i sure slept well last night, (besides the burn). The food was great and the ride gave lots of... memories:) since we all rode in one car. Heres hoping where ever your family goes on vacation, YOU don't get burned and have a great time!


Katie Jones

P.S- I also dropped my phone in the pooty while changing into my bathing suit!!!

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